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Getting Started
mongoSheet consists of two parts. A Google Sheets Addon and a Data API App on mongoDB Atlas. To get started with mongoSheet you need to do the following things. The entire setup may take 30 mins to complete.
Install Addon
Installing mongoSheet addon from Google Addon store is straightforward act. Please navigate to Add On Store and click on Install. The add-on will be asking for certain permissions. Please go ahead and allow the same. Now open a new Google Spreadsheet and you will be able to see mongoSheet under Menu→Extensions→mongoSheet. Click on the same and open the sidebar. It's from the sidebar that you do all the operations on mongoSheet When you open the sidebar it will asking you to create a new connection. In our next step, we will be creating a new Data API app and a Data API URL that can be used to connect.
Enable Data API
You need to create a Data API in your MongoDB Atlas installation. mongoSheet connects with your database through the Data API and does all the CRUD operations. The creation of the Data API app is a easy process. Let's get started.

First go to your MongoDB Atlas account, choose Data API from the left sidebar. The screen asking you to enable the data api and slect the clusters that you want to connect using the Data API. From the dopdown select the clusters and then click on 'Enable Data Access from the Data API' Once you do that you will be directed to the below page and you get a URL Endpoint. mongoSheet uses this URL to connect with your clusters/databases. Copy the URL, we need it on a later stage. But we also need an API Key to connect. Lets do that in next step.
Data API Key
To create an Data API Key click on the API Keys tab and then click on Create API key. You will be asked to give a name, Lets give the name as 'mongosheet', that will be easier to remember. And then click on generate API Key. The screen shows your the API key, copy it we need it on a later stage. There is one more step left. Select Settings and the select the return type as EJSON. Don't forget to click on Save.
Update Spreadsheet
Now go to your Google Spreadsheet and then open the add-on sidebar. Click on New Connection
Give the connection a name so that you can recall the same easier. It's better to give the name as Database: Collection as the connection name.
In the Data API URL, and Data API Key fields, provide the values that you got from the earlier steps.
In the Cluster field, provide the name of the cluster that you wish to connect. Database is the name of the database in the cluster that you wish to connect.
Collection name will be the name of the collection that you wish to connect.
And then click on SAVE.